Monastic Tradition: Hex Hunter

Peaceful-Nature-Calm-Sky by Kuzy62

Betrayed by Their Creators
The Way of the Hex Hunter, once known to be the guardians of a famous coven of witches, now serve no masters aside from themselves. They were betrayed by the witches and now seek to level the playing field between the magical and magic-less. Yet, the Hex Hunter is haunted by lingering questions: Did the coven truly perish, or do fragments of their darkness will still linger in the echoes of techniques?

Starting at 3rd level, while grappling a creature that can cast at least one spell, said creature has disadvantage to maintaining concentration checks.

Concussive Blow 
After dealing damage to a creature with an unarmed strike on your turn, that creature has disadvantage on concentration checks until the end of your next turn. 

Hunt Down
Beginning at 3rd level, while using your step of the wind ki-feature, you have double movement toward a creature you’ve seen cast a spell.

Spell Strike
At 6th level, while within 5ft of a creature casting a spell and as a reaction, you can cast counterspell at the same spell level of that spell and hit that creature with an unarmed strike (this hit can use your martial arts die). This feature can be used up to thrice per long rest. This feature calculates the counterspell DC with your Wisdom modifier (8 + Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus).
Spell Breaker Strike
At 6th level, you may cast the spell counterspell at a level equal to your proficiency bonus. The DC for the casting of this spell using this feature is 10 + a roll of your marital arts die. As a part of the same reaction, if you are within 5ft of the caster you are using counterspell on, you may make an additional unarmed strike. This feature may be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Dirty Fighting 
Starting at 11th level, while grappling a creature, you can deal twice your martial arts die for your unarmed strikes.

Starting at 11th level, when you make an unarmed strike against creature under the effect of your concussive blow ability. You can deal an additional die of martial arts damage. 
Master over Mage
Beginning at 17th level, you gain the following ki-features:
  • Clear Mind - You can spend 1 ki to clear the charmed or feared condition, or other mind altering effects (such as from geas).
  • Chi Block - As an action, you can spend 2 ki, while within 5ft of a creature, to cast silence and blindness/deafness on said creature.
  • Returning Strike - You can spend 3 ki to redirect a spell of the evocation school back at the caster if it would hit you. If you are the only target of a spell, as a reaction, you can spend 3 ki to redirect a spell back at the caster, as long as you can see the caster 


Note: New names and effects as suggested by a redditor going by .

